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From competitive, club, and small game hunting, shotguns, and shot gunning is a big part of the campfire life. Keeping us shooting fit throughout the year, shot gunning techniques compliment the rifle shooter, especially if you are hunting State Forests. In 2024 the Campfire Crew, along with Beretta Australia will bring a real focus to the many different aspects, disciplines and pursuits within the ‘gunning world.

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Competitive Shooting

Ian is the Campfire Crew’s lead gunner. Recently returning to competitive shooting, Ian will take you on the journey from gun and gear selection, gun fitment, shooting techniques and what to expect at the competition level.


Club Shooting

Jono is our dedicated and enthusiast club shooter. Club shooting is all about enjoying a great social activity, meeting new people, and even participating in club level competition.


Field Shooting

Mark is our point and shoot gunner. From guns, ammo and hunting species, Mark brings a hunting perspective to field shotgun shooting.

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